Savings Alert After every Outgoing call
ISD calls on 1 second charging
Best SMS rates from TATA DOCOMO
Pre activated STD, ISD and National Roaming without rental
Anywhere in India Recharge with TATA DOCOMO
Total Information control
This what you would find in docomowebsite.
Being a customer I have certain things to talk about too.
I really got surprised when I got to know that the sim is internet ready. Dint get what I am talking about? Ok, The moment I inserted the sim it asked me to save the settings for gprs and mobile office. Something which I waited for a month(dint happen though) in Vodafone!!. later I had to flush that sim.
Now I am all set to chat with my buddies and access my pop3 accounts. sounds interesting?
Next shocker was when I compared the previous bill with a different provider with my docomo. I almost saved Rs.1000+!!! on my 2200 bill. The reason is mostly we end our call in 30-40 seconds if its for some urgency. and this 20-30 seconds save alot. And dont forget the 99 free sms on 1 sms charge.
I never had to contact a customer care once I started using this connection, where in I had many 'friends' in airtel and Vodafone!!! u know what I mean right?
Ufff... Now I want to recharge!!! I have talked alot... hold on...
I have a service in docomo where in i can recharge any docomo number including mine.. Now How interesting is that? From now no queues for me..
So I greately recommend this after 1 and half month of usage.
Noe do you think I am a flirt?? Noways.. I was loyal to airtel for almost close to 3 years. Stil it dint take much of my time to decide to go in for docomo.
Now every service providers have to be on their toeos to come closer to what these guys provide.
Its intresting to read what they provide and that they do proivde a quality service.
ReplyDeleteBut for how long is what matters ?
Since you vouch for it i will check further about it.Talking about loyalty ..... that's where you get mislead,and that is what mobile companies try to exploit.
I did check it and i wish to enlighten you about the tariff
ReplyDeleteDocomo tariff is loss making for calls above 4 mins and 10 secs.
for detailed info read http://zanilhyder.blogspot.com/2009/11/truth-about-1psec-telecom-billing.html